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From April 1 to May 25, our lucky WINNERS were automatically entered by swiping their AIR MILES Card® with their fuel purchase and selected via random draw for their prize of FREE GAS for a year – valued at $2,600.
Heather W. from Upper Sackville, NS
Khaled T. from Saint John, NB
Marc G. from Lunenburg, NS
Kathleen M. from Ostrea Lake, NS
Remi G. from Grand-Barachois, NB
Douglas M. from Middle River, NS
Debra T. from St, Stephen, NB
Peggy P. from Conception Bay South, NL
Claundie L. from Lunenberg, NS
Ron B. from Sydney, NS

Need an AIR MILES Card?
Visit to get your card today.
Swipe it at the pump to get 1 Mile for every 20 L. Swipe it in the store to get 1 Mile for every $20.
Plus, learn how you can get more Miles with Irving Energy.